Culture, Travel

Wat Wisunarat (Wat Visoun) has a new watermelon

18 Jan , 2019  

Wat Wisunarat is Luang Prabang’s oldest temple and was once home to the Prabang Buddhas. It also contains what is known as the “Watermelon stupa”, build in 1530, it’s shaped like a watermelon. It is one of my first memories when I arrived in 2011. It took me a few years to remember this temple […]

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Food, Travel

Sunday morning roadworks

13 Jan , 2019   Video

One of my favourite sights in Luang Prabang … roadworks!!! It is not a sight seen often but a very welcome one. It seems the roads, including main roads and main tourist streets, were only repaired 6 months ago and already large potholes had reappeared causing traffic to grind to a halt. So imagine my […]

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5 computer topics taught in Laos

29 Nov , 2018  

Computer education in Laos is limited. It is not taught in many schools and experienced teachers are unavailable. Students are increasingly needing to have computer skills to compete with others to secure jobs. English and computing and becoming vital skills to gain employment which is why I helped establish computing lessons in 2015 so 16-22 year […]

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Making merit at Buddhist temple

25 Nov , 2018   Gallery

Buddhism is practiced by most Laotians. Life in Laos beats to a rhythm set by religion. Alms are given every morning at 5 am in the hot season and about 6.30 when colder. Sticky rice is washed and soaked the evening before and cooked early the next morning. Sometimes it’s mixed with banana and wrapped […]

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History of Luang Prabang by Nat Geo

21 Nov , 2018   Video

This video by National Geographic gives you an overview of Luang Prabang and sights around the area.

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Uplifting a local village school in Laos

16 Nov , 2018   Gallery

I visited a village with colleagues near the famous Kuangsi waterfall as we’d been told their classrooms were in need of repair. It is a typical school in a village serving the families from that village. There were 8 classrooms split among two buildings. One was wooden and would be very hot much of the […]

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Culture, Education

Fundraising concert a hit

9 Nov , 2018  

LEOT and the Music School, both not-for-profits providing education opportunities to Lao youth held a fundraising concert on Sunday night at the beautiful Heuan Chan Heritage center in Luang Prabang, just off the main street. It took some organising and a big thank you to all those who gave us prized for the raffle. I […]

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New students learning computer skills in Luang Prabang

7 Nov , 2018   Gallery

The fourth year of teaching computer skills to students began a few weeks ago. Students learn during weekdays Monday to Friday and extra classes are held on Saturdays allowing other students to attend. A small fee is asked in order to get some commitment to come each week if things are free people tend to […]

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Road collapses in Luang Prabang

2 Nov , 2018   Gallery

The road on the peninsula in UNESCO Heritage Zone 1 has collapsed further from the rain this past season. The road runs along the Nam Khan (the river that joins the Mekong River). It is a very beautiful part of Luang Prabang and teenagers love to ride their motorbikes round and round at night (much […]

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Local village school northern Laos

27 Oct , 2018   Gallery

During the school break, a past Monk student came back to visit and we went to visit his village. His village is typical of a village in the countryside, very basic facilities. A small classroom with a dirt floor and simple slat sides. It lacked books and other materials. We visited to see how we […]



Cats and dogs left over after rain

15 Oct , 2018   Gallery

Well the rainy season in Laos has ended and it was a bad season. There is a lot of damage to roads and of course, there was the Dam collapse in Attapeu on 23 July. It’s not raining cats and dogs anymore but there are a lot of cats and dogs in Laos. They can […]

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Fishing on the border

8 Oct , 2018   Gallery

Bokèo is a northern province of Laos. It is the smallest and least populous province in Laos. For most people they enter Bokeo when crossing via land from Thailand. I love going from Luang prabang up the Mekong River to Huay Xai, in Bokeo Province and into Thailand, it is a magic few days. I […]

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Stunning Laos – Together we thrive

31 Jul , 2018   Video

A beautiful video of Laos showing the stunning scenery and people that fill this magic country. Video by: Cedric Jean-Baptiste They say travelling is one of the best ways to grow and whilst true this only occurs if you reflect on the experience and learn from it. After going through hours of footage, this is what […]

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Beautiful Laos – Paradise seen from Heaven

5 Jul , 2018   Video

Filmed by: Christoph von Toggenburg Laos is covered in wild jungles, mirroring lakes, colourful rice paddies, beautiful temples, ancient ruins, amazing waterfalls and slow rivers. This short film takes you on a journey across Laos, captured from the air, showing this unique country from an entirely unseen perspective. Celebrating our engagement, my finacée Valentine and […]

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Making hand washing stations in Luang Prabang, Laos

2 Jun , 2018  

As part of the community projects LEOT School does, we are often improving sanitation and washing facilities. Handwashing stations at schools are often lacking. Niew is our project man as well as helping administer the school in Luang Prabang. He recently returned from the capital Vientiane, where washing stations are manufactured. He went to learn […]

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Napao Primary School,Laos get painted

31 May , 2018   Gallery

Last month, Jeannette school staff, a Government education official and myself surveyed Napao primary school as we were told it needed supplies and a good paint. Painting a school not only instills pride in teachers and students but makes the rooms lighter as many rooms do not have good lighting. We found donors for the […]

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A dream comes true to study in France

25 May , 2018  

Alounny Thammavongsavanh is a student studying at LEOT and she has written this short story. I’m 17 years old and I live in PhanLuang village. I’m a student in my final year at Pasathipatay school. It’s a bilingual school. I have been studying French for 10 years at primary and secondary school and then I […]

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Culture, Travel

Phousi Mountain – Luangs Prabangs sunset vantage point

7 Apr , 2018  

Phousi Mountain or Mount Phousi as some say is a hill located in the centre of town in the heritage area, located on the peninsula between the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers. The “sacred hill” is about 100 meters high. Many tourists climb the hill about 5.30pm to view the sunset so it gets rather […]

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Making Change in the Mekong

3 Apr , 2018   Video

Film for Change Aotearoa New Zealand produced this short film about my volunteer work in Laos establishing computer education programs to raise awareness of opportunities to support sustainable, grass-roots education efforts in Laos to help improve people’s lives a little. I volunteer with Lao teachers to provide free education, scholarships and hardship support for impoverished […]

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Rural villages need more books

2 Apr , 2018  

I joined in a visit to a remote village school to take them books. The Luang Prabang libary runs a book bag program at the library on the night market street. People can purchase books and put them in a bag and when there are enough they are taken to a village. The books are […]

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Special guests in Luang Prabang

2 Apr , 2018  

I was very lucky to recently have my mother and brother travel to Luang Prabang to visit me. The week was wonderful and we saw some of the spectacular sites Luang Prabang has to offer as well as spending time helping at school.   We also visited the famous Pak Ou caves and the Luang […]

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Finding magic on Luang Prabang’s doorstep.

1 Apr , 2018  

I have always enjoyed crossing the Mekong on the car ferry or boat to the ‘other side’. I often go for a walk over here in Chomphet District in the Village of Xiengmene. Chomphet district is a poor area and many projects are needed in this area. See recent posts for recent projects in this […]

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Culture, Education

Novice Bountay and his village school

31 Mar , 2018  

Novice Bountay is an inspiring person. He has been a student at LEOT (a free charity school) for 2 years now and excels in our computer class. Like other Novices, he goes to Buddhist high school each day and somehow manages to find time to study English, photography and a number of other interests. Read […]

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What’s David doing in the office

31 Jan , 2018  

A teacher snapped this photo of me sitting at my ‘new’ recycled desk one of a few pieces of furniture donated to us that we needed. I am very much focused on getting the computer lessons ready for the new teaching term starting soon. We teach Microsoft Office and general computer skills such as safety, […]

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Everyone likes a free lunch in Laos

28 Jan , 2018  

With school opening very soon we have been busy in recent months revising and updating teaching materials and running a host of teacher training. With an increasing number of visitors popping into school, from seeing the small sign on the street, we did a role play one lunch time with each teacher introducing the school […]

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Watch the new covert war doco through the stories of Hmong elders

26 Jan , 2018  

Not many people know about the secret war in Laos and the way it affects local people’s lives today in 2018. Many centres have a UXO centre which have information, bombs, and interesting videos. If you visit Luang Prabang you can be sure I’ll take you to the small, interesting UXO centre. The recent documentary by […]

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Two bikes donated to school

18 Jan , 2018  

Helen and Dan came to Laos on their bikes from England and didn’t fancy taking them home. They were looking for a good cause and came across our school website so I met them on Saturday afternoon to gladly accept their generous donation on behalf of the school. We have 300 students and nearly 30 […]

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Long Chieng – off-limits for 50 years

13 Jan , 2018  

Abandoned in 1975 in one of the last acts of the war, Long Chieng was once the busiest airport in the world and has been off-limits for 50 years. Home to Lao Air Force T-28 bombers and Pilatus Porters, Helio Couriers and an assortment of helicopters, mostly flown by Air America and Continental Air Services. […]

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Students register and muck in for the new term

7 Jan , 2018  

Students have come from around Luang Prabang this past week to register for English and Computer classes for the new term starting in a few weeks. The school has been closed to students this last term as we await the signing to renew our license. During this time we have been developing the computer teaching […]

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Checking out new house builds in Luang Prabang

9 Dec , 2017   Gallery

Here are the teachers having some fun with sunglasses. One is currently building a house for his family in a local village and we drove our motorbikes there last week to share lunch and check our progress. Impressive progress has been made. It is amazing how much can be done in just a few weeks. It’s […]



Weddings and Baby parties

4 Dec , 2017   Gallery

November has been a month of baby bacis and wedding parties. A Baci is ritual used to celebrate important events and occasions, like births and marriages and also entering the monkhood, departing, returning, beginning a new year. It involves chanting by an elder and tying strings around a person’s wrist to preserve good luck, and […]


China-Laos ties rise to a new level

2 Dec , 2017  

An Asian elephant from Laos is off landed to begin its life in a zoo in Dongguan, South China’s Guangdong Province on May 7, 2016. Photo: VCG Laos and China ties are strong and continue to increase. Article published in “Speaking Chinese will open up new opportunities for me. With many Lao people keen […]

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Developing computer lessons in Laos

30 Nov , 2017   Gallery

These past few months the teachers and I have been busy working on refining the lessons and teachers guide for the coming year. The Introduction course is entering its third year of teaching now and the Elementary Computing course its second. It will be the first year it is taught to all students at that […]

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Lao people display incredible strength, living with 80 million unexploded bombs

22 Nov , 2017   Video

“This Little Land of Mines,” a documentary by American University Student Fellow Erin McGoff, is now accepting donations through the Independent Filmmaker Project. As the production enters its second phase of filming, it is looking for support from viewers who want to see the development of the full-length documentary. “This Little Land of Mines” documents the […]

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A Happy Life – a story by a Lao teacher

27 Oct , 2017  

Chanh is an inspiring teacher at LEOT school where I volunteer. Here is his story of finding the opportunities LEOT brings. My given name is Bounchanh Sengdala, but Chanh for short. I was born in a poor family from a remote area. Fortunately, my family gave me a great opportunity to pursue my dream in […]

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The Giving ການໃຫ້ – a short film by novice monk students

25 Oct , 2017   Video

Another short film made by students in the summer 2017 film class @ My Library in Luang Prabang. MyLibrary has been around since 2003 started as an English support centre free for anyone to drop in and learn. As they say, it is an example of  “what happens when you give motivated users the materials […]

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Boun Lai Heua Fai (Festival of Light Boats) 2017

18 Oct , 2017   Video

ພາບບັນຍາກາດບຸນໄຫຼເຮືອໄຟ ທີ່ຫຼວງພະບາງ 2017 Boun Lai Heua Fai (Festival of Light Boats) 2017, the most beautiful time of year in Luang Prabang with the temple all lit up to celebrate the end of Buddhist Lent.

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Education, Travel

See what happens to this little girl

18 Oct , 2017   Video

I love this three-minute video that reminds us of the pleasures in life. It always brings a wee tear as I see the impact this mans simple generosity has had on people’s lives – especially the little girl who was finally able to go to school. Too many people live in these harsh situations and […]

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Vietnam Secret Ops Army Medic to Receive Medal of Honor from Trump

7 Oct , 2017  

President Donald Trump on Oct. 23 will award the Medal of Honor to Sgt. Gary Rose, an Army medic who was involved in secret operations in Laos during the Vietnam War. The Huntsville, Alabama, man during an assault on his unit in the jungles of Laos continued to treat wounded troops after being wounded himself, […]

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Wat Pa Houak, Phousi Mountain, Luang Prabang

2 Oct , 2017   Gallery

I have often seen this little temple at the base of the hill to the famous Phousi mountain. Phousi mountain is right in the middle of town and a popular place for tourists. There is a 150m walk to the top, a favourite spot for watching the sunset over a beautiful Luang Prabang. From the […]

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School awards day 2017, Luang Prabang, Laos

1 Oct , 2017   Gallery

On a hot Saturday morning students, teachers, volunteers, and officials flocked to school for the annual awards day where students receive their much-admired certificates for their achievements from the prior year. The school year starts in September each year in Laos. The day started off with some fun games which everyone always enjoys and this […]

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Laos and Cambodia eliminate trachoma

1 Oct , 2017  

September 21, 2017, Trachoma, the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide, has been eliminated as a public health problem in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, according to a WHO press release. WHO launched the Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma by the year 2020 in 1997, and in 1998 the World Health […]

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Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash


Bus connects Nan and Luang Prabang from Oct 2017

27 Sep , 2017  

Luang Prabang in Laos will be connected with Nan by a bus service from Oct 1. (Post Today photo) State-owned Transport Co will introduce a minibus service between Nan and Luang Prabang next month. General manager Jeerasak Yaowatsakul said the new minibus service starting on Oct 1 would take about eight hours on a 373-kilometre […]


Culture, Education

Lao teenagers beating poverty as novice monks

19 Aug , 2017   Gallery

Many of the students at the school I work at in Luang Prabang are novice monks. It is certainly a sight to behold – a classroom bathed in bright saffron robes beneath a sea of shaved heads (and eyebrows). People outside Laos find it interesting as to why so many novice monks come to school without […]

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Chinese bring safe drinking water to Laos village while building railway

16 Aug , 2017  

Parts of Laos do not have clean drinking water. The Chinese are building a railway through Laos over the next 5 years. One company has been recognized for helping a local village of 250 people providing safe drinking water. Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-09 00:38:46|Editor: Mu Xuequan VIENTIANE, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — China’s Sinohydro Bureau 14 Co., Ltd […]



Trip to Tad Sae waterfall

22 Jul , 2017   Gallery

I got an unexpected invite to join friends and their neighbours for a trip to Tad Sae waterfall this Sunday. I had heard these waterfalls, one of two in Luang Prabang, had been dry but now as it’s the beginning of rainy season I thought there may be some water on this hot day. Unlike […]

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Transferring skills to teachers in Lao schools


Helping English students at a local school – Luang Prabang, Laos

14 Jul , 2017  

I helped out a small class of eager high school students with their English lessons last week.  During the high school break, these students are taking a holiday class to improve their English skills. They go a small school set up in someone’s home in the center of Luang Prabang where two small classes of […]

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Kayaking the Ou and Mekong river to Luang Prabang

4 Jul , 2017   Gallery

I decided this week to take a day off and go kayaking down the Mekong River from just north of Pak Ou caves. I’ve visited the caves a few times before but never via the Mekong or kayaking. So I joined a tour and set out by tuk-tuk about an hour north of Luang Prabang. […]

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Giving blood – Lao Red Cross

25 Jun , 2017  

Recently I took a morning off work to catch up on a few errands. One of these was to make time to give blood at the Lao Friends Hospital Visitor Centre n Luang Prabang. It was a simple process and everyone was very friendly. I had a finger pricked and tests were taken and a […]

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Fun games to learn team skills

17 Jun , 2017  

The programme that supports and helps inspire our students had their final gathering for the school year. So much fun was had as they played a game together where one person in each team was blindfolded. All three has to hold two pieces of string attached to a rubber band. All three had to use the rubber […]

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A day in a Buddhist Temple in Luang Prabang, Laos

11 Jun , 2017   Video

I love this temple, it always feels very peaceful. Tourists know Tak Bat as the age-old and picturesque daily Buddhist Alms Giving procession of the monks. This is a glimpse into daily life as a monk or novice and also a reminder to tourists how to behave at a temple and when observing Alms Giving. The […]

Novice monks trip in Luang Prabang Laos


Student visit to Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden

4 Jun , 2017  

The Pha Tad Ke Botanical Gardens had an open day and we took some students across the Mekong River and downstream a little to these wonderful gardens that were opened about 2 years ago. You can see a diverse range of Lao flora and how people use plants in everyday life. They have a wonder […]

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Students complete computer exam in Laos school


Students completed computer exams with good results

28 May , 2017  

This past week students have completed the end of year computer exams with very pleasing results. The exam consisted of a multiple choice test followed by a practical exercise where they had to create a  Word document utilising the skills they had learned this past school year. The elementary computing classes who come to school […]

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Chasing your dreams

19 May , 2017  

This year school implemented a new mentor programme to support and inspire students in their life and work ambitions. A key aim is to provide extra support for those interested in helping students get better jobs. The Dream Catcher Mentor program meets each week during lunchtime. This week we had Teacher Mai come and share her […]



Getaway to Northern Laos – Muang Ngoi

16 May , 2017  

This lovely photo was taken on the Mekong River in Luang Prabang before I was fortunate to be able to get away for 2 days to Nong Khiaw about 3 hours North Fron Luang Prabang. Nong Khiaw is a very small town divided by a bridge. It is very beautiful and most people take a […]


A very cool music school in Luang Prabang

29 Mar , 2017  

The Music for everyone school (MES) give free music lessons and free use of instruments to help people who are interested in music so they can follow their interests. It is run by the very passionate Max who works with a team of Lao staff who run lessons in the three classrooms. They have fourteen acoustic […]


Female Pilots breaking barriers

10 Mar , 2017  

Way to go girls! I hope your story inspires other Lao girls.

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Beware the voluntourists intent on doing good

3 Mar , 2017   Video

The term voluntourism refers to the growing phenomenon of individuals travelling to developing countries to carry out volunteer work.  They go for a week or two for a “project” — a temporary medical clinic, an orphanage visit or a school construction. Many go to teach English during high school, college vacations or during an OE/gap year. […]

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A glimpse into life in Luang Prabang

27 Feb , 2017   Video

In this 3 minute video, I show you a few scenes around Luang Prabang, life at the school where I volunteer and a brief insight to a village up river we got to by ‘long boat’. I will return soon to continue developing computer teaching programmes, running teacher training workshops and assisting Lao teachers in […]

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What is the most delicious noodle soup in Laos?

21 Feb , 2017  

One of my greatest pleasures in Laos is eating some of the local soups. Kao soi is a must try. It’s available almost everywhere and a few street places are my favourite. Kao soi is a soup made with wide rice noodles, coarsely chopped pork, tomatoes, fermented soy beans, chillies, shallots, and garlic, then topped […]



Women’s invisible burden

21 Feb , 2017  

The struggle for dignified and meaningful livelihoods in the informal sector in Lao PDR Key Facts: Women represent more than 90 per cent of vendors in fresh food markets across the country. Market vendors earn 100,000-500,000 LAK (12 – 62 USD) on a daily average. Women market vendors in Vientiane have faced exorbitant rent and […]


What does teaching computing do to reduce poverty?

14 Feb , 2017  

    Laos is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has been proven that to drag a country out of its poverty, people must be educated. There are a number of education facilities in Laos and both Government run and private. The Lao education system is improving slowly and making good progress. The […]


Where else can you dine like this?

24 Jan , 2017  

When I get time off, what better way to spend an afternoon than chilling out in a river hut? Just outside Luang Prabang, 30 mins up the Mekong river are a number of huts where you can relax and eat great Lao food and cool drinks. It does feel like a bit of a special treat to […]

Culture, Food

Nightlife in Laos – Eating at a Beer bar

21 Jan , 2017  

So what do local restaurants in Luang Prabang look like? Here is your intro to a local “Beer bar”. I enjoy the odd night out to a local restaurant to enjoy a meal and sometimes a few beers. The food is usually excellent and one of my favourites – sweet and sour whole fish (usually […]


Two students get 100% in recent computer test

18 Jan , 2017  

We teach Saturday IT classes and two students who come to classes to learn more advanced Microsoft Office skills have achieved 100% in their recent test. David put together the programme in 2016 after consultation with local businesses in Luang Prabang. The course focuses on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and other topics such as anti-virus, safety […]

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Teacher Lu’s story

10 Jan , 2017  

The School in Luang Prabang teaches English and Computer Studies to Lao students from disadvantaged families. The school is free and funded by donations. This is the story of Lu, the newest teacher at the school. “My name’s Lu. I was born on 12th March 1991 in a small village in the countryside, Xamneau district, […]


The UXO problem in Laos

22 Dec , 2016   Video

This is a great video by the COPE Centre Laos explains the unexploded bomb problem in Laos. The US Airforce in 1963 dropped the 1st bombs on Laos in what would be a 9 year Secret War. The daily reality is that 300 people a year are injured or killed by bombies (the small bombs released […]

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Cambodian Fishermen Hanging Up Nets as Laos Presses Ahead with Another Dam

15 Dec , 2016  

At the local fish market here along the banks of the Tonle Sap, the morning harvest is enormous. Prized catfish, among other species, dominate sales as buyers for restaurants pile in for the biggest and best on offer. Early business is brisk for the fish farmers who bred and reared their fish securely in ponds. […]



Decades on, millions of unexploded American bombs left behind still kill and maim in Laos

5 Dec , 2016   Video

Special correspondent Mike Cerre offers a glimpse of life in Laos today and the mission to end the deadly legacy of the Secret War.

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Lao students enjoy computer studies

21 Nov , 2016  

Well the last few months has flown by. My main task has been to write the stage 2 curriculum in computing and train the Lao teachers. The reality has seen me also fixing many computers for students and teachers, and even other schools. I visited local businesses to discuss what IT skills they need of […]



New Zealand Provides $11.5 Million to Support UXO Clearance in Laos

20 Nov , 2016  

New Zealand will provide an extra 11.5 million dollars to help clear unexploded landmines left over in Laos following the Vietnam war. US planes dropped more than 270 million munition in Laos between 1964 and 1973. Visiting Laos as part of the ASEAN summit, US President Barack Obama announced an extra $90 million to help […]



A short film: New Day ຈົວຕົ້ນຄົນໃໝ່

10 Nov , 2016   Video

This short film made by students in the summer 2016 film class @ My Library in Luang Prabang shows the talent of young film makers as well as a glimpse into temple life as a Novice Monk.

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Culture, Education

Weekend trip to village to give donated items

6 Oct , 2016   Video

On Saturday volunteers and teachers travelled to Nam Nga village 90 mins north of Luang Prabang to see how we can help with their water supply, leaking roof and toilets at their village school. We also gave out the clothes, toothbrushes, books and stationery we collected. We had lunch with the headman and school director […]

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Students loaned bikes to come to school

27 Sep , 2016  

The school has 18 bikes that are lent to students who have no bike or other means to get to school. Many walk a very long way. This week we are giving bikes to the most needy students but still over 10 people will miss out and likely not be able to come to class […]


This past month helping Orphanages and School in Laos

21 Sep , 2016   Video

Time has passed quickly since late August when I stopped in Saigon, Vietnam. I joined Love Shines from Singapore on a mission to orphanages looking after youth with hydrocephalus, also called Water on the Brain. It causes enlargement of the head and is fatal. I visited two orphanages and we purchased supplies at local stores for these programmes. […]

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Laos US: Obama regrets ‘biggest bombing in history’ – BBC News

7 Sep , 2016  

Barack Obama announces a major funding boost for the removal of unexploded US ordnance in Laos though some question what real difference it can make. Source: Laos US: Obama regrets ‘biggest bombing in history’ – BBC News

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Boat Racing Festival in Luang Prabang, Laos 2016

3 Sep , 2016   Video

In Luang Prabang, Boun Suang Heua, or the Boat Racing Festival is held on Khao Padapdin, the Day of the Commemoration of the Dead  (in August usually but this year it was yesterday on 2 September). In Vientiane Capital it is held the day after the End of Buddhist Lent. Both are important social and […]

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What is sticky rice – really?

27 Aug , 2016   Gallery

Firstly, Lao people are the biggest sticky rice eaters in the world. It is eaten at most meals if not all! Secondly I have left NZ and am on my way to Luang Prabang where I will son be indulging in sticky rice most days. Not many people what makes it sticky. It is the actual type […]


America’s shame: The unspoken danger of Lao’s hidden bombs

23 Aug , 2016  

It was learning about UXO, originally in Cambodia (2010) and then Laos (2011), that is one of the motivators if me becoming involved with my volunteer work. If you don’t know what happened, here is a brief article about the problem. Article by Dung Phan 21 Aug 2016 It was a cold day in Laos, and huddled around […]



House of Dreams

18 Aug , 2016   Video

I love this video. It shows a glimpse into people’s lives and how a simple opportunity can mean so much to those wanting to help themselves and help others. I hope to meet Ken when in September who I think is so inspirational for others and doing similar work helping others get a better education. […]


Skill gap hurdle as Laos attracts Southeast Asia’s spotlight

11 Aug , 2016  

This article posted this week highlights the importance of Lao people getting the right education and opportunities for advancement – the very goal of my work in Laos. Article taken from the Financial Express, 6 August 2016 The chance to tap into the promise of increasing prosperity and spending power among the 600 plus million […]

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Laos implementing UN Education goals

7 Jul , 2016  

Efforts to escape being a Least Developed Country The Lao government takes graduation from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as its key long-term objective, a high-ranking Lao official said, according to local daily Vientiane Times on Wednesday. Graduation from LDC status has been a key long-term objective of the Lao government since the early 2000s. The […]

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Thanks for donating

24 Jun , 2016  

I wouldn’t be able to do this volunteer work without support from others. The support of my IT clients allowing me e to work remotely and that of family and friends. I spend a lot of time gathering things that maybe old to us but of use to those struggling in Laos. This year, in addition to some […]



Gearing up for another Laos assignment

17 Jun , 2016  

It is amazing to have been given so many clothes to take to Laos. They will go to a village and hopefully all the kids will get something. I have already paid for two suitcases from Wellington, Auckland, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok Luang Prabang. It is never easy getting to Laos. I wish to acknowledge […]



Project update Sept 2016

15 Jun , 2016  

In late 2015 I setup a computer teaching facility at the charity school in Luang Prabang. 280 students now get one computer lesson and 4 English lessons each week. With some assistance, I developed an ‘Introduction to Computing’ programme. GOALS for 2016 up-skill local Lao teachers in Information Technology, train a new Lao teacher as the […]

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A request from Laos for a computer

2 Jun , 2016  

This week I received this email from a teacher who I work with in Laos. [EMAIL] Subject: Big problem Sabaidee Ajarn David How have you been doing? What’s the weather like there? So I really need your to help me. Because my brother who is studying engineer in Vientiane has problem as he really needs computer to finish his […]



Laos town known for drunkenness and tourist deaths cleans up its act

12 May , 2016  

This great article by Claire Boobbyer gives a great overview of the town and beauty of Vang Vieng. “I want us to preserve the mountains of Vang Vieng, the river and the culture for the future,” Thanongsi Solangkoun told me as I sipped mulberry wine at his organic restaurant on the Nam Song river in Laos. […]

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Elephants in Luang Prabang for new year

16 Apr , 2016   Video

It is Lao New Year now (Pimai), one of the most important dates in the Lao calendar. Although officially a three-day festival in Luang Prabang, the party always goes on for at least a week. Officially the last day of the year, 13th April is traditionally a day of renewal, the main symbol of which is […]

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Unlocking Laos for the traveller

11 Apr , 2016  

This article recently published By Harry Bedford shows what a wonderful place Laos is for tourists. It is the only country in South East Asia with no beaches but they make up for it with beautiful people, mountains and waterfalls. Did I mention the food? This short articles will give you a good taste of […]

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Laos’ garment industry declines due to labour shortage

9 Apr , 2016  

It seems a common theme in recent reports about Laos loosing out on work opportunists due to a poorly skilled workforce despite in past years being able to secure such investment. The World Bank Climate Assessment report made similar conclusions about the low productivity rate of Lao workers and shortage of skilled workers, including English. […]

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